Thursday, November 3, 2011

No this is My CANDY!

I'm so frustrated with my Mom's nursing home.  First of all I had to hunt and search for my Mom's social security check in October.  It went to the nursing home.  Why would it go there when its been coming to her checking account every month for years now?  Well.  The nursing home asked my Mom if she would like her check to come there.  Never mind the fact that she has dementia and has no idea what we pay out of the SS check every month.  Of course she wants it to come there.  

After determining all this and verifying that the check in fact went to the nursing home, I spoke with someone (in person) in an effort to get the ball rolling on getting the difference mailed back to me.  I thought we were all square.  I left a message in the middle of October when I still hadn't received anything.  I called again on the 23rd and the person I needed to speak with was on vacation.  I called back on the 31st and again I thought we were all square.  

I just felt like something was wrong.  I called today to see if my check had been mailed and it turns out they need an invoice from the insurance company to verify how much I should get back.  Now it seams to me that this process would have gone much smoother if that fact had been mentioned, oh I don't know, at the beginning of the month when I was there.  OK fine.  I can send you and invoice but keep in mind I have already paid this and desperately need the money back since it is now November and I will have to pay it again in a few short days

I have applied to be my Mom's Representative Payee which means that when that gets finalized, I will get her checks again.  

For now-

I'm so frustrated that I want to eat an entire bowl of candy with reckless abandon.

It may look something like this:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Tonight I'm making chicken. Pretty simple recipe. Put chicken in pan spread some garlic on it. Sprinkle with goodness like thyme, basil, rosemary and marjoram. Cook for around 25 min. Yum