Monday, August 26, 2013


So I haven't been on here in a few days.  It's been crazy with my grinder pump not working I haven't been able to do a lot of dishes or laundry.  It's getting old.

On a good note Saturday's breakfast was great.  I had a chicken omelet and fruit.  It came with pita bread but I only ate 1 1/2 triangles.  I currently can't remember what I had the rest of the day but I'm sure it wasn't as good as it started out.  Sunday I had eggs for breakfast and then later I had a Larabar for a snack.  I cooked in the crock-pot and made Brunswick Stew.  It is pretty good and there are some pics at the end that show the process.

Topic Shift!

I've been listening to some paleo podcasts.  One I really like is Paleohacks.  They had Tony Stubblebine on and he had this really neat website.  Lift is a site where you can work on forming good habits and achieving goals.  Basically you sign up (it's free) and you pick something you would like to work on.  They have a bunch already set up and I picked drinking more water and stretching before bed just to name a few.  You check in everyday if you completed the task and it tracks how many days you did it.  It also has a community feel where people can give you props.  You can even invite friends and track each other.  I thought it was interesting.  I am hoping it will help me keep track of a few things.

Other than that it's same shit different day.  Happy Monday!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Monday Rocks. . .sorta

Yesterday was pretty great for a Monday.  I had a Larabar and a peach for breakfast.  Harris Teeter salad for lunch and for dinner I made Grilled Mediterranean Tilapia and Grilled Oregano Squash.  So yummy!  I have included some pics of my prep and the finished meal.  

I feel pretty good about my choices and today should be no different.  I had another Larabar (mostly cause I was in a hurry) and I brought a peach for snack.  I will eat leftovers for lunch and then I will have to go shopping cause all I have at home is spinach.  Although I did just remember that I bought Italian sausage from Walnut Hills Farm on Friday at the farmers market in Bellevue.  I could just have that and saute some spinach.  I can't wait! My neighbor said she buy the spinach from the same place and they are so good.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Guess who has two thumbs and didn't stick to her diet over the weekend? That's right it's me.
My grinder pump alarm came on on Friday night and for those of you that don't know what that is, is the thing that grinds up your sewage and pumps it to the street. So without knowing how much water reserve I have left I opted not to use any of the water in the house . No laundry/no dishes that kind of thing. Of course then I sort of used it as an excuse to not cook anything because I didn't want to have to do the dishes. It's not the best excuse it's not the worst excuse. Of course going out to eat is not the worst thing in the world but I was trying to be thrifty and save a couple bucks. So I chose to eat at Taco Bell 110 Saturday and one on Sunday. Then of course Saturday night I went with a friend to an essential oils party and the food was pretty healthy except for the pumpkin mini muffins. They were delicious and plentiful.
Of course in hindsight I could have done this weekend a whole lot better. And when I got on the scale this morning I really wish I had . I was seeing PT good weight loss results to the week but when I finally weighed in this morning I only lost 1 pound. I'm torn between being really happy that I lost any weight at all any little mad at myself for not sticking better to my diet over the weekend.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Citrus Chicken and Cherry Walnut Compote

Happy Friday!!!!

I'm going to try harder to post on the day things happen.  I'm sure it doesn't really matter to my readers but since I am also using this as a sorta journal/accountability project it seams like I should.

Since my last post I have "cheated" a little.  Wednesday was WINGS day at our local joint.  I went with my friends and I did indeed order the wings.  I should have ordered them plain but I didn't think about that I just got them the way I always do, with Carolina sauce.  I did get a side salad so at least there's that.  The good thing about my cheat was that I couldn't eat all my wings which is a first.  I also felt really full all day and being aware of how I feel after I eat certain things is great.  I'm glad I've started noticing things like that.  It can only help me make better decisions.  Dinner that day was good.  Since I was so full I just had leftover tuna steak and some fruit salad.

Thursday I met Ryan for lunch and we went to Zoe's Kitchen here in Brentwood.  I had the grilled chicken pita sandwich with pasta salad.  Big Paleo oops.  :(  I ended up not really eating the pita but just the chicken out of it and of course I ate the pasta salad cause it's one of my favorite items from Zoe's.  This meal didn't really seam to bother me to much physically or otherwise.  I didn't over eat and although bread and pasta are no nos in Paleo my recently started lifestyle change in not that instilled.  I made sure to eat a great dinner to make up for it.

Citrus Chicken and Cherry Walnut Compote

The recipe called for frozen cherries but Kroger didn't have any so I just used raspberries.  It was delish!  I am also having it for lunch today and I can't wait!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tuna steaks and an accidental candy bar

Yesterday I had another mostly perfect day of eating healthy. My day started with a breakfast of two scrambled eggs and two slices of bacon. For lunch I ate leftovers from the previous night, pecan chicken fingers and mashed cauliflower. Snacks of Olive and Sinclair Chocolate (with sea salt) and some mixed nuts.

I was nervous about dinner because I was going to a friends house.  I decided to check with her and see what are dinner plans would be.  Turns out we didn't have any so it was easy to force my eating habits on her.  I brought over what I would have cooked at my house and she made stuff from her fridge and it was awesome. I made tuna steaks and a small fruit salad and my friend made sauteed spinach.  

The only mishaps this evening was a 12 ounce coke with my dinner and an accidental candy bar from the gas station where I got gas on the way home.  My old eating habits sucked so comparatively yesterday was a huge success. All of my meals were paleo and healthy and my flubs weren't that big. 

I'm in no way going to let a candy bar and a small soda ruin my week. I'm in it for the long term.  This isn't the first cheat and I'm sure it won't be the last. ;)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Peacan crusted chicken fingers

So tonight for dinner I made pecan crusted chicken fingers and mashed cauliflower. My first bite of both seemed bland but I think it's just because I'm used to going out to a restaurant where they put God knows what on your food. After couple bites I really liked it and I would probably make it again.

So Day 1 has ended pretty well. I'm hoping to keep this up and I'm excited to see results by either losing weight and or just generally feeling better.

I'm including a picture of what I'm taking for lunch tomorrow and although its not visually stimulating its pretty good.

Snack Time!

Everyday around 3 o'clock I get the feeling that there is not enough candy in my life.  I am trying to be good and be Paleo so I went to the store to get some snacks.  I ended up with some mixed nuts and Olive and Sinclair chocolate with sea salt.  YUM!

I had one square, a few nuts, and some water.  I feel pretty satisfied.  Now comes the hard part.  Not eating the rest of the bar just because. For example: just because its tastes good or just because its there or just because I can.

So far so good...

Day 1

I had every intention of yesterday being my first day of really sticking to my diet or lifestyle change I should probably call it. It really didn't go that well since I may have had some cupcakes and some other items that will not be named.  Lets just say they weren't Paleo.  

Today is Day 1 and turns out Day 1 didn't start too great but is getting better.  I may have had a biscuit from Hardee's on the way to work.  I did eat a good lunch tho.  I had two baked chicken thighs and some sauteed mushrooms.  I also had a coke zero but mostly only to keep me from getting a raging headache after too much caffeine yesterday. I'm going to try my best to have eggs and bacon for breakfast tomorrow and bring my lunch again to keep on track.  

I have started to notice that since I've been cooking more of my own food, when I'm looking for something to eat out, nothing really sounds good. I guess that's a good thing that will hopefully keep me from going out too much. 

Actually this is supposed to be Day 1 for a lot of things.   I want to eat better, consistently go to karate, get to work on time, get my house in order, and fix my money woes just to name a few or a lot depending on how you look at it.  I'm terrible with managing my money.  I really need to get that under control. I'm also working on some house projects I just need to suck it up and do. I mean, I can't wait for the carpet in my house to be gone but I'm not looking forward to the fact that I'm the one that has to make it be gone. 

I just want to be skinny and gorgeous and Rich. But who doesn't. I will settle for healthy and happy. On occasion I find myself thinking about how great my life really is and have to remind myself that even though I'm not perfect things could be worse. I have great family and the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
Other things that are pretty great fact are that I actually own a house, I have two pretty great dogs even though they're pretty bossy and try to run my life. I have a job that pays pretty well I have a car that gets me to said job. 

I do have debt and most people do but I would really like to get rid of mine. Its really is easier said than done.

So going forward from Day 1 I'm going to be all about making a solid effort to do the things that I want to do like pay off debt, stick to my diet, go to karate and so on and so on.