Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tuna steaks and an accidental candy bar

Yesterday I had another mostly perfect day of eating healthy. My day started with a breakfast of two scrambled eggs and two slices of bacon. For lunch I ate leftovers from the previous night, pecan chicken fingers and mashed cauliflower. Snacks of Olive and Sinclair Chocolate (with sea salt) and some mixed nuts.

I was nervous about dinner because I was going to a friends house.  I decided to check with her and see what are dinner plans would be.  Turns out we didn't have any so it was easy to force my eating habits on her.  I brought over what I would have cooked at my house and she made stuff from her fridge and it was awesome. I made tuna steaks and a small fruit salad and my friend made sauteed spinach.  

The only mishaps this evening was a 12 ounce coke with my dinner and an accidental candy bar from the gas station where I got gas on the way home.  My old eating habits sucked so comparatively yesterday was a huge success. All of my meals were paleo and healthy and my flubs weren't that big. 

I'm in no way going to let a candy bar and a small soda ruin my week. I'm in it for the long term.  This isn't the first cheat and I'm sure it won't be the last. ;)


  1. Kickin' butt Rudy!

    I think you have the right attitude and it's good that a single "mis-step" isn't derailing you. It's all about the little decisions you make throughout the day/week/month, etc.

    Although, I do love how the candy bar was "accidental", like you were trying to explain how a candy bar ended up in your mouth to a police officer.

    "Honestly, I don't know how that got there officer! I was just pumping my gas, minding my own business and this snickers just appeared. I feel violated!"
