Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 1

I had every intention of yesterday being my first day of really sticking to my diet or lifestyle change I should probably call it. It really didn't go that well since I may have had some cupcakes and some other items that will not be named.  Lets just say they weren't Paleo.  

Today is Day 1 and turns out Day 1 didn't start too great but is getting better.  I may have had a biscuit from Hardee's on the way to work.  I did eat a good lunch tho.  I had two baked chicken thighs and some sauteed mushrooms.  I also had a coke zero but mostly only to keep me from getting a raging headache after too much caffeine yesterday. I'm going to try my best to have eggs and bacon for breakfast tomorrow and bring my lunch again to keep on track.  

I have started to notice that since I've been cooking more of my own food, when I'm looking for something to eat out, nothing really sounds good. I guess that's a good thing that will hopefully keep me from going out too much. 

Actually this is supposed to be Day 1 for a lot of things.   I want to eat better, consistently go to karate, get to work on time, get my house in order, and fix my money woes just to name a few or a lot depending on how you look at it.  I'm terrible with managing my money.  I really need to get that under control. I'm also working on some house projects I just need to suck it up and do. I mean, I can't wait for the carpet in my house to be gone but I'm not looking forward to the fact that I'm the one that has to make it be gone. 

I just want to be skinny and gorgeous and Rich. But who doesn't. I will settle for healthy and happy. On occasion I find myself thinking about how great my life really is and have to remind myself that even though I'm not perfect things could be worse. I have great family and the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
Other things that are pretty great fact are that I actually own a house, I have two pretty great dogs even though they're pretty bossy and try to run my life. I have a job that pays pretty well I have a car that gets me to said job. 

I do have debt and most people do but I would really like to get rid of mine. Its really is easier said than done.

So going forward from Day 1 I'm going to be all about making a solid effort to do the things that I want to do like pay off debt, stick to my diet, go to karate and so on and so on. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not saying this as a friend but as an objective viewer of your life. You are already gorgeous. You dont have to BE something to be happy. You just have to BE happy. And keep up the great work!
