Monday, August 26, 2013


So I haven't been on here in a few days.  It's been crazy with my grinder pump not working I haven't been able to do a lot of dishes or laundry.  It's getting old.

On a good note Saturday's breakfast was great.  I had a chicken omelet and fruit.  It came with pita bread but I only ate 1 1/2 triangles.  I currently can't remember what I had the rest of the day but I'm sure it wasn't as good as it started out.  Sunday I had eggs for breakfast and then later I had a Larabar for a snack.  I cooked in the crock-pot and made Brunswick Stew.  It is pretty good and there are some pics at the end that show the process.

Topic Shift!

I've been listening to some paleo podcasts.  One I really like is Paleohacks.  They had Tony Stubblebine on and he had this really neat website.  Lift is a site where you can work on forming good habits and achieving goals.  Basically you sign up (it's free) and you pick something you would like to work on.  They have a bunch already set up and I picked drinking more water and stretching before bed just to name a few.  You check in everyday if you completed the task and it tracks how many days you did it.  It also has a community feel where people can give you props.  You can even invite friends and track each other.  I thought it was interesting.  I am hoping it will help me keep track of a few things.

Other than that it's same shit different day.  Happy Monday!

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